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Our benefits

Yellow Grid focuses on "smart" control of ETWH (Electric Tank Water Heater).

Save on electricity costs 

Connect your existing ETWH (Electric Tank Water Heater) to the Yellow Grid and cut your costs. If you buy electricity on the spot market, you can save up to 30% on your hot water bills.

Flexibility in electricity consumption

Flexibility in electricity consumption - load shifting on the consumer side - helps to reduce peak demand and stabilise the transmission system and security of supply at local and national level.

Solutions for a sustainable future

Our vision is to replace the expensive, non-environmental sources of electricity that contribute to grid stabilisation with Yellow Grid technology that acts as a 'battery' for cheap, green electricity production.

Designed and made in the Czech Republic

The entire Yellow Grid solution is designed and manufactured in the Czech Republic. We use NETIO components that have long been proven and tested and adapted for Yellow Grid. 

Údržba ohřívače

Reduce your electricity bill. Power your ETWH  only when electricity prices are low.

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