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Examples of Yellow Grid solutions

What we offer

Yellow Grid is a smart solution for saving money on electric water heating without compromising on comfort.

If you have spot pricing, Yellow Grid heats your water when the price of electricity is low. Electricity prices change throughout the day, so moving your hot water heating to a different time of day, without affecting your comfort, offers big savings.


We work with spot prices on a daily basis and choose the most convenient time for you.
When a temperature sensor is used, the system monitors hot water usage patterns and reduces the hot water temperature in the ETWH (Electric Tank Water Heater) when it is not needed. The temperature sensor is also for your safety, to prevent your ETWH from overheating and causing potentially fatal damage.


The Yellow Grid solution includes a 'box' that connects to your existing ETWH and communicates via WiFi or LAN with the Yellow Grid portal that controls the hot water heating.

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