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Interested in trying out Yellow Grid solutions?
Fill in the no-obligation enquiry form and we will get back to you!
First Name
Last Name
Postal Code
1. Do you have a property where you use an ETWH (Electric Tank Water Heater)?
2. Is this household permanently occupied?
3. How is your ETWH (Electric Tank Water Heater) connected to electricity?
Plug into the socket next to the ETWH.
The ETWH cable is connected directly (1 phase/230 V).
The ETWH cable is connected directly (3 phases/400 V).
I don't know
4. How big is your ETWH (Electric Tank Water Heater)?
Less than 60 litrů
60 - 100 litres
101 - 160 litres
161 - 250 litres
More than 250 litres
5. Do you currently use a ETWH control system?
No, only the thermostat on the ETWH.
I don't know.
Yes, I have a two-tariff rate and I use HDO.
Yes, I have a control system.
Yes, I have a photovoltaic system and a "Wattrouter" type product.
Yes, but I don't know the details.
6. What type of electricity meter do you have?
I have a 4-quadrant meter (for PV).
I have a new electricity meter with continuous measurement (1 h/15 min, SPOT).
I have an electricity meter (I don't know the details).
7. Do you have a photovoltaic system on site?
No, but I'm considering it.
Yes, I don't use the surplus to heat hot water.
Yes, I use the surplus to heat hot water.
8. Do you buy electricity at spot prices?
Yes, I have photovoltaics. I sell and buy electricity on the spot market.
No, but I plan to switch to spot prices as soon as possible.
No, I don't understand that.
No, I'm not interested.
9. Do you have an internet connection on site?
No, I prefer the LTE version.
Yes, the ETWH is within range of a LAN (RJ45) connection.
Yes, the ETWH is within WiFi range (max. 1 wall).
Yes, the switch box has a LAN (RJ45) connection.
Yes, the switch box is within WiFi signal range (max. over 1 wall).
Yes, but the ETWH and the switch box are out of range of the WiFi signal/LAN connection.
Yes, but I don't know the details.
10. Are you interested in participating in a test project?
11. Who is your current electricity supplier?
Select from the list ...
12. Your comments:
I agree to the processing of my data.
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